Harmage Singh Kalirai

Harmage trained as an actor at the Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama in London, Ecole Jacques Lecoq in Paris, and at the Ladislav Fialka Mime School in Prague. He has worked as professional actor for over twenty-five years in TV, Film, Radio and Theatre. His theatre directing and producing credits include work for the Royal National Theatre, Waterman Arts Centre, M6 theatre company and the Asian Cooperative Theare (ACT) He directed the comedy play with songs Arrange That Marriage for DesiPulp and The Drum in Birmingham, which toured England. In Kolkata, India he directed In The Further Soil (Produced by Sampad & Teamwork in conjunction with The British Council and ICCR, India). He directed promenade style in the outdoors Arena Theatre for mac Birmingham, the classic love stories of Heer Ranjha and Layla Majnun, with large casts of up to seventy performers (actors, dancers and musicians). He has also conducted workshops and taught theatre skills with actors, students, youth and community theatre groups in England, Germany, Norway and India.