Q&A with Phil Okwedy - The Gods Are All Here

Phil Okwedy has been touring The Gods Are All Here for over two years, across Wales and England and now online. Now we host a Q&A.

The Gods Are All Here is created and performed by Phil Okwedy. Two national tours of the show, produced by Adverse Camber, have taken place across Wales and England over the last two years and now an on-demand version of the show is available online until 1 January 2024 to watch.

During the tour so many audiences members wanted to know more about the show, the background, the creation and what's next for Phil. We are hosting a Q&A with Phil Okwedy, in conversation with Christelle Pellecuer, (Coach, Multidisciplinary Creative and Engagement Coordinator), where you can ask those and other questions. There will be a short introduction and reminder about some of the themes of the shows, followed by an opportunity to ask Phil a question. You don't have to have seen the show to attend.

It's a free event but you will need to book a ticket online. You will be sent the Zoom link to the meeting in the confirmtion. The link to the Q&A will open 10 minutes before the sessions starts.

Get your free ticket on Eventbrite
