Naomi Wilds

Naomi Wilds founded Adverse Camber in 2006 and has spearheaded its development from a sole tradership to a growing arts business and registered charity.  Naomi studied English Literature at the University of Leeds and worked in independent arts organisations in the North of England and Midlands before focusing on literature development, from 1999 to 2008.

For Adverse Camber she has produced national & international tours with many of the UK’s leading storytellers, including Jan Blake, Michael Harvey, Nick Hennessey, Xanthe Gresham, Katy Cawkwell, plus international storytellers and musicians from Finland, Norway and West Africa.  In 2021, she was one of 24 cultural entrepreneurs selected for the Derby Museums/NAS Creative Cultural Fellowship programme.  She is currently Artistic Director of Beyond the Border Wales International Storytelling Festival.

A story-addict from a young age, Naomi is especially inspired by the rich, complex character of epic myths, especially those from British Isles/Northern Europe, and the windows these and other stories open into other cultures and ways of being.