Exile, Magic and Power

The second part of the tale of the legendary King of Mali - Sundiata Keita

Following the success of The Old Woman, the Buffalo and the Lion of Manding, which toured with Adverse Camber in 2013 and 2016, we’re delighted to be joining forces again with Jan Blake, Kouame Sereba and Raymond Sereba! Adverse Camber is commissioning a brand new show, with support from The Albany and MAC Birmingham, which takes Sundiata’s story forward.   The working title for this new show is Exile, Magic and Power and follows the path of the legendary Malian king, Sundiata Keita, discovering what it means to be a leader, growing in skills and wisdom whilst travelling in exile with his family across the African kingdoms of Ghana, Méma and Sosso.

Jan Blake’s storytelling, praised for its dynamism and passion will be interwoven with the rich repertoire of traditional West African songs and music conjured by Kouame and Raymond, and a celebration of instruments, including djembes, flutes, guitars, bells and the dodo mouth bow. The developing plans for touring include integrating a local choir into each performance, adding a whole new layer of energy, excitement and engagement for audiences across the UK.

In March 2018, Jan, Raymond and Kouame spent a week working together and also with the London International Gospel Choir at The Albany and at the end of that week, shared an extract of the piece to an invited audience at Canada Water Theatre. You can read all about the experience in this news story.

In October 2021 there was further development on the piece where Jan worked to explore digital storytelling with digital artist, Gary Stewart at Lakeside Arts in Nottingham.

We’re hoping to be able to share Exile, Magic and Power with audiences in the near future, sign up to receive our newsletter to get the news first.

Hearing a tale from West Africa and realising that you already know a version of it from Iceland, or Ireland, or India makes the world suddenly feel like a much smaller, and somehow friendlier, place.
Stage Talk Magazine on The Old Woman, the Buffalo and the Lion of Manding


a black woman with long dark hair wearing a yellow and black dress
Jan Blake


a black man wearing a black and gold tunic and playing a drum
Kouame Sereba


an asian man with a white beard wearing a dark top
Harmage Singh Kalirai

Artistic Advisor

a black man wearing a black and gold tunic and playing the dodo mouth bow
Raymond Sereba


a black and white photo of a white man with a white beard and wearing a flat cap
Matt Edwards


A woman with shoulder length auburn hair, wearing glasses, blue jumper and brown scarf
Naomi Wilds



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Past Dates

27 October 2021
Lakeside Arts, Nottingham £PWYC
A work in progress event with Q&A
09 March 2018
Canada Water Theatre £Pay what you decide
An work in progress extract from the show